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About Joe

I’ve dedicated my career to helping make the world a safer place for everyone, where businesses and people can thrive without risk.

Fighting internet crimes during time with the government

At the Department of Justice, way back in 1995, I was able to convince the government to let me run a direct Internet cable into the office, to research foreign news services related to claims for political asylum in the United States. In 1997, I was given special technical training and computer equipment by the DOJ and invited to join the Computer and Telecommunications Crime Coordinator program. I eventually became 100% focused on technology-related crimes, received national recognition from the DOJ for outstanding service as a federal prosecutor, and worked on many first-of-their-kind cybercrime cases, including supporting the digital aspects of the 9/11 investigation.

Protecting people against eCrimes in the private sector

I thought I would spend my whole career with the government, but was recruited to eBay in 2002 to build out their eCrime team, as the company grappled with the safety and security issues that arose from being the first ever large-scale online marketplace. Since then I have been working at the forefront of cybercrime investigations to build large teams that have fought hard to protect consumers from digital harm. While the governments of the world struggled initially to be proactive in preventing internet crime, I took jobs at companies at the forefront of the Internet. These companies committed to invest in building out their defenses to try to prevent harm from happening in the first place – because it was good for business. At eBay and PayPal between 2002 and 2008, our efforts were focused on protecting people who used those services from financial harm. At Facebook, between 2008 and 2015, I prioritized child safety, at a time when children were joining social networks and parents were struggling to keep up with the evolving digital landscape. At Uber, I focused on protecting riders and drivers from physical world dangers, as technology revolutionized visibility into the risks of shared transportation. And at Cloudflare, from 2018 through 2022, I was part of the team prioritizing privacy and security tools that are given away for free for everyone to use online.

Delivering humanitarian aid to those in need in Ukraine

In January 2023 I became the CEO of Ukraine Friends, a nonprofit dedicated to providing humanitarian and technical aid to the people of Ukraine. I run a committed team and travel to Ukraine regularly to oversee our work and ensure we make a positive impact.

Supporting our government

Even though I left government service in 2002, I have not stopped actively supporting government efforts to promote safety online for everyone. I’ve testified before the US Congress twice as an expert on internet safety and security, been a commissioner on the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, a board member on the National Cyber Security Alliance, a many-time opening plenary speaker at the Dallas Crimes Against Children Conference, a participant in a White House anti-online-bullying effort, an advisor to the Department of Homeland Security, and accepted an appointment from President Obama to the Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity. Most recently I participated in the Cyber Solarium Commission meetings in Annapolis and Silicon Valley, and during 2022 represented my company on the JCDC effort led by the Department of Homeland Security.

Making the world a safer place

I now dedicate all my time to providing security and leadership advice to executives and board members at startups and larger companies across a range of industries, mentoring the next generation of security leaders, speaking publicly on trends in cybersecurity and artificial intelligence, and volunteering my time for schools and nonprofits. Please reach out to me on the contact me page if I can be of assistance.